A Life in Progress





2003-10-10, 8:48 a.m.

A strange thing seems to be happening to me. Apathy. Well, at least apathy in action. There are things all over the place that should make me want to pack up and move to Canada. And it doesn't move me. I wonder what's up with that?

For example, all this talk about gay marriage. Why, other than misguided religious beliefs that have nothing to do with me and my beliefs, does anyone care if I get married? You'd think that would be a good idea since the government would get more taxes out of me if what you hear about the so-called "marriage penalty" is true. And while I can work up a good rant on the subject, I am not moved to action. At all. I can't even think of a good thing to do. Governor Granholm thinks marriage should be between "one man and one woman." I know this because I already sent her a letter and got a response to that effect. Oh, wait. I didn't even do that, PJH did it. See? Apathy.

One of these days I'm going to write that book I've talked about. Back in the 50's and 60's people used the exact same arguments against desegregation and other aspects of the Civil Rights Movement. In fact, the fact that it would destroy the family unit was used as an argument against giving women the right to vote. Seems like we think that's a good idea now and absolutely no one, short of the idiots who ride around in white sheets burning crosses, would suggest that interracial marriages have done anything close to destroying the family unit.

I suppose every generation has thought that the world was going to hell in a handbasket. I think it's going there in the hands of Republicans.

Speaking of religion, I got the book "The Brother of Jesus." It's a very interesting topic and I'd love to know more but the book was too boring to read. So, I didn't. Still, I read enough to find out that it seems that the discovered what could have been the ossuary (essentially bone resting place) of James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus, as the ossuary was inscribed. The authors say this is the first archaelogical evidence of any of the three.

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