A Life in Progress





A hole cleverly disguised as ...
2004-04-23, 12:37 p.m.

Take the quiz: "Which American City Are You?"

San Francisco
Liberal and proud, you'll live your lifestyle however you choose in the face of all that would supress you.

What is it with me and these stupid quizzes? Of course, I�m San Francisco, the queer capital of the world! At least I wasn�t Cleveland. That�s all I have to say.

You know, PMS is an ugly thing. I am homicidal. The Big Bleed is scheduled to commence next Wednesday. The 28th. That makes 2 for April. Isn�t that lovely? I hate this 28 day thing. God. Now that I�m not going to be having any babies, I really resent the whole concept of menstruation. It should just stop already. Of course, I�m too old now to use the pill to suppress it. I�m �over 35� so it presents a hazard. Right. Just when we need it because of perimenopause.

And guess what else? I hurt myself on Monday night. Did I already mention that? No. I was walking Tasha on some very uneven ground and stepped in a hole that was cleverly disguised as � a big ass hole in the ground that I didn�t even see. Yeah. So, there I am, on the side of the road. Cars are going by, my dog is prancing all over the place completely unconcerned that I am sitting on the ground clutching my ankle and *crying*. It HURT. Luckily, thanks to the fact that I was wearing hiking boots (Thank you Teva!) I didn�t actually do serious damage. It hurts and is swollen like a mug, but I can walk on it. However, not much. I had to wear these dyke shoes today. They are big old bulky men�s shoes. Comfortable. PJH�s castoffs from her foot surgery. They are clunky to say the least. I am a Fashion Don�t. I look like a dyke today for real. Besides those shoes (worn attractively with a foot brace to keep my ankle in place) I also have on some garden variety black pants and a dark green short sleeve ribbed sweater. I look like an ad for Dyke Fall Fashion (or lack thereof.) At least I have my cool spring bag, even if it�s white and doesn�t match. It�s awesome, y�all. It�s Kenneth Cole, so it can�t be that bad, right? It�s off white faux-alligator, oblongish. I call it my �Hooter�s Bag.� Because their slogan is �delightfully tacky, yet refined.� And, that, my friends describes this bag perfectly. Maybe I�ll haul out my little digital camera and take a picture. Well, not til Monday now. I have the software and stuff here at work, rather than on my laptop. Or PJH�s big computer. Am I rambling? I think so. It�s the PMS. I can�t be held responsible for what my hormones are doing to me. Can you imagine what I�m going to be like in menopause? Anyway, I have a meeting in Grand Rapids and I totally forgot and dressed like this. I�m the �senior� person in this group and I normally dress up. Today, the hell with it. I�m injured. At least I have cute hair � the color was smashingly successful (even though I got some on the bathroom carpet. I mean, who decided to carpet the freaking bathroom. That was stupid.) and the cut is cute as it can be in this growing out phase.

On another note, PJH has been in touch with the Saginaw band of her tribe and they are looking for a director for their substance abuse program. It�s in Mt. Pleasant but neither one of us is going to freak out too badly about living alone again. Or at least semi-alone. She�ll be home on weekends and all. So, I�ll be in this new house all by myself. Well, all by myself plus the dogs. See? It�s been awhile since anyone heard a peep about Ruby, now hasn�t it?

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