A Life in Progress





Hate List
2003-06-30, 12:16 p.m.

Since I have been off my groove on journal writing, I�ve decided to steal an idea from Gnomad

who stole it from Weetabix.

An �I Hate it List.� So, here we go. Keep in mind that this list is not exhaustive and includes both Big Deal Hates and Minor League Peeves. Sometimes the MLP can drive me nearly as nuts as the BDHs.

� Pretentious people. God help you in their presence if you don�t wear designer clothing with the label in full view. Has no one told them that class can not be purchased? Has no one told them that to wear designer tags from head to toe is a Fashion Don�t? Has no one told them that there are better criteria for choosing one�s friends?

� Racial idiocy. I can deal with people who are truly ignorant. Usually, once they learn better, their ideas change. They are merely ignorant, not idiots. People who insist on believing that all native people wear feather headresses and refuse to have their picture taken. Or are drunks. People who pat their mouths and say, �woo woo� in mock warrior pose. People who hang dream catchers anywhere but the appropriate place. If you don�t know what is the appropriate place you either shouldn�t have one or you should ask a native person. PS: It�s not in your car. People who misappropriate other cultures for fashion. For example, the aforementioned dream catchers.

� That there are people who, in this millennium, still think that being gay can be cured. That God will smite us �queers.�

� �Radical lesbian feminists� who have forgotten that feminism was about equality, not hating men or making everyone in the world just like them.

� The Christians who have bastardized the name and make me hesitate to label myself as such lest someone think me like those Christians.

� Christians or other religious groups who use God�s name as an excuse to kill or discriminate or mistreat anyone.

� People who equate being gay with pedophilia, bestiality, shop lifting and general miscreant behavior.

� Hypocrites.

� Pro-lifers who really aren�t pro-life at all, but anti-woman. Particularly those who are also pro death penalty. And those who vote for very little funding for the children once they are born. People who, rather than work to ensure that fewer women need an abortion, instead work to be sure that more women do by also legislating restrictions on contraception.

� When the toilet paper is on backwards.

� When some lazy person takes their food out of the microwave before the time is up and doesn�t clear the remaining time.

� The misuse of myriad.

� Misspellings in publications. Though, maybe I really like that. A bit of perverse pleasure and all that.

� Technology that doesn�t just freaking work already. Why am I printer-challenged? And copier-challenged? Anything that isn�t software mystifies me.

I�m sure there are others. I just can�t think of them now. I may add to this later! ;)

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