A Life in Progress





89 Things Minus the Memories
2003-06-15, 11:08 p.m.

Swiped from Gnomad who swiped it from Diva who swiped it from Darrylzer0.

[Spell your first name backwards] = niwiimin

[The story behind your username] = It's the Ojibwe word for "Dancing" which is part of my name.

[Are you a lesbian?] = Yep.

[Where do you live?] = Mount Pleasant, Michigan

[4 words that sum you up] = smart, funny, stubborn, femme

[School] = Went to Aquinas College. One day might go to grad school. Theology maybe.

[Wallet] = Pink checkbook style wallet. Which my checkbook doesn't fit in.

[Hairbrush] = Never use one. My hair kinda curls and a brush just makes it enormous.

[Toothbrush] = The soft ones my dentist gives me.

[Pillow cover] = Depends. sometimes white jersey, sometimes a print

[Blanket] = a quilt someone gave us. I normally kick it off anyway.

[Facewash] = Right now, the self-heating Biore one.

[Street] = River Road.

[Neighbors] = We have one stay at home mom on the right and a business on the left and a bar owner across the street.

[Coffee cup] = We have 8 plain ol' white ones from Pottery Barn.

[Sunglasses] = I have 3: a pair of groovy tortoiseshell ones with dark brown lenses, a pair of black Calvin Klein ones and a very cheap pair that someone found on the trails at work and thought they were mine.

[Shoes] = I have about 15 pair. The only thing that's consistent is that, except for my athletic shoes, they are all slides and high heels.

[Favorite shirt] = I have 2: a french blue with white cuffs and color for times when I have to look like a grown up and then a light blue twin set that my partner refers to as "the your tits are showin' shirt" because of the cleavage.

[CD in stereo right now] = Eric Benet.

[Tattoos] = None. I'm a big baby. Plus, i can't decide what I like enough to have on my body for-freaking-ever.

[Piercings] = Just garden variety ear piercings, 2 on each side and a 3rd one on my right in the cartilige that has closed up by now, I'm sure.

[What you are wearing now:] = a pair of olive green cargp capris and a white sleeveless mock tneck Tshirt

[Do you like candles] = You know what? I don't. I'd never have them around of my own accord.

[Do you like hot wax] = :shudder: that's one experience I never care to repeat.

[Do you like incense] = In theory. I have yet to find one that smells nice enough that I can stand it consistently. Then again, it reminds me of my illegal-drug-use from back in the day.

[Do you like the taste of blood] = God, no.

[Do you believe in love] = Oh, yes.

[Do you believe in soul mates] = Not really. I think that you can have a perfectly great relationship with any number of people. Just not at the same time. :)

[Do you believe in love at first sight] That would be lust.

[Do you believe in Heaven. Do you believe in Hell] = I believe in a Heaven of sorts. No, I do not believe in hell. I'm one of those New Thought Christians. We wanna have our cake and eat it too.

[Do you believe in forgiveness] = Definitely.

[Do you believe in God. Do you believe in the Devil] = Yes to God. No to the Devil if you mean some guy sitting around at the Earth's core trying his damndest to get us to screw up. I think we all do well enough in that arena on our own.

[What do you want done with your body when you die] = I want as much of me as is useful given to those who can use it and the rest cremated, then put somewhere cool. Where that might be varies from time to time. Right now I think it'd be right here in my own yard.

[What's the best gift anyone has ever given you?] = My niece, Macy, was the first person I ever really truly unselfishly loved with my whole heart. It was a great gift and one for which I will always be grateful.

[What's your favourite insult?] = I don't know that I have one. I call PJH an asshole every now and again. Though, it makes me laugh every time I do because it inevitably triggers a memory of a black man I knew once telling me that only white people called people assholes. I've been paying attention since then ... he's pretty much been right.

[What are you gonna do when you're older?] = Probably the same things I do now only on my own schedule.

[How many songs do you have on your computer?] I don't think any ... oh, wait, I think there's about 18 on a CD I made for Diva and Gnomad.

[What band are you listening to now] At this very minute, Eric Benet.

[Look out your window...tell me what you see] It's 11:29 pm .. I can't see a blessed thing except for the time and I know I oughta be in bed.

[If you could have any animal for a pet?] = The cat I gave away 4 years ago and the dog I didn't say I wanted until he'd been given away.

[What is the latest you've ever stayed up?] 7 am or so.

I AM.... probably going to regret staying up so late in the morning.

I KNOW.... that I will be fine.

I WANT.... the moon.

I HAVE.... a headache, which is why I'm awake still to begin with.

I WISH.... oh, so many things!

I HATE.... stupid people. Especially when they know they're being stupid and don't care to change.

I LOVE.... peace and quiet. And my house.

I MISS.... having more peace and quiet.

I FEAR.... totally running out of money.

I HEAR.... the cats tearing around the living room.

I SEARCH FOR....patience.

I WONDER.... about everything.

I REGRET.... letting my alcoholic father have such an impact on my adult life and not taking better care of me.

I ACHE.... when I think about weddings and children.

I CARE.... about alot of things. Sometimes too much.

I ALWAYS.... try hard not to say always.

I AM NOT.... .outdoorsy.

I DANCE.... every chance I get.

I SING.... badly.

I CRY.... frequently

I DO NOT ALWAYS....pay attention.

I FIGHT.... only if I can't avoid it.

I WRITE.... not frequently enough.

I CONFUSE.... myself

I NEED.... no one. Though I want a few people.


Chocolate or vanilla: Carmel.

Croutons or bacon bits: Croutons

Coffee or Tea: If I had to choose, fancy coffee. Otherwise I drink water or caffeine free Diet Coke.

Pepsi or Coke: diet Coke.

Serena Williams or Salma Hayak: Neither really. I like Salma well enough but I don't know much about Serena except she plays tennis and I just read an entire magazine article about her mother.


Where were you born: Muskegon, MI.

Worst medical accident: An accident. Hm. Well, I've sprained a lot of things.

First time you ever went on a plane: to visit a friend in Binghamton, NY when I was 19.

What was your worst fear as a child: My dad.

Did you ever suck your thumb: actually my thumb and 2 fingers. All at once. While sleeping on my tummy with my rear in the air.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Now, why would I tell you if I had?

What's the meanest thing you've ever said to anyone?: I called an ex a "drunk ass bitch." She was but still.


How long do you think you'll live? Hopefully a very long time.

Do you think you'll have the same friends as now? Some yes, some no.

Do you want to be famous? As long as it was because I wrote a great book or won a Pulitzer Prize or something and *not* because I, oh, I don't know, got caught having sex at the beach or something.

Do you think you'll have the same personality when you're 60? Probably. It hasn't changed much over the years.

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