A Life in Progress





How I Came to Be Nimiiwin
2004-02-05, 10:00 a.m.

How Did I Come to Be Nimiiwin?

My Diaryland name is unusual and people wonder how I came to have it.

Way back in 1994, when I first got online and got AOL, I tried to find a screen name, only to find everything I thought was cool was taken, which was, to say the least, frustrating. I think (though I can�t remember) I wound up with the oh-so-original name of FemmeDyke217. FemmeDyke for the obvious reason and 217 because that�s my birthday. Along the way, I�ve used various versions of that and my actual name. Also fairly common. So common that I have an aunt-in-law who has the same exact name. All three of �em. Of course, my mom wasn�t married to my dad to know her when I was born to avoid naming me the same thing.

Over the years, certain things about me became well established parts of my �persona.� The fact that I don�t even think that DivaMel could teach me to carry a tune, the fact that I am a very good dancer, that I am a reader, etc. These truths are self-evident to all who have had occasion to know that part of me.

Fast forward to early 2000: I�d been with PJH for a few months by now and she takes me to my first sweat lodge where I am to receive my �Indian name.� See, I�d been raised by my white mother and had no contact with native people whatsoever so I had never participated in any native ritual or custom. I was a nervous wreck that I�d screw up. I didn�t and came away with a name. Nimiiwin Andekwe (Nih-me-win On-duh-kway) which translates to Dancing Crow. Nimiiwin is the part that means Dancing. Since dancing has been a big part of my life since I was a little girl and my mom, my sister and I used to dance around the living room on Saturday afternoons, I thought I was totally appropriate. And I thought it an interesting choice since the man who gave me the name had no way to know that. Further, most of the people�s names are one word. PJH is Wawashke (wa-wash-key) for example. And I love it. Though I was in my 30�s when I got this name, it resonates with me deeply. I often think of myself as Nimiiwin. Especially in relation to PJH, who I think of as Nanii (na-knee) which is the word for �Man.� (Yes, I know PJH is not a man, but that�s a whole other story.)

So, I chose Nimiiwin to use as my screen names. You�re not supposed to use your full name for secular activity, since it�s a sacred, spiritual thing but I think it�s okay to use part. I have never once tried to sign up for a screen name on a website where that name was taken. Unless I�d already been there and signed up, but forgotten!

So, if you�re on a message board somewhere and see Nimiiwin, you can be sure it�s me!

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