A Life in Progress





The F Word
2003-12-11, 10:30 a.m.

I have apparently lost my mind. I have spent the last two hours � at work, mind you � looking at diaries here on diaryland. I have a grant proposal that is due on Jan. 2 and I will be gone from 12/19 until 12/29. I actually have two of them going to the same place but for different funds. I just can�t seem to get focused on it, for some reason. Maybe the disgusting cough I still have and I can�t get a cough syrup for. I won�t even go into that story. Let�s just say that sick + PMS are a bad combo for receptionists to choose to be rude and snippy. I lost my temper. I said The F Word to the receptionist. No, not Fudge. The Other F Word. I�m mortified now that The Big Bleed has begun and I�m no longer premenstrual.

Have any of you used a Keeper? I�m thinking of getting one but I want to know if they really work and is it really disgusting.

Last night I went to my sisters and hung out with her children as I do every Wednesday night while Dawn either studies, goes to volunteer at the library or goes out with her husband. Jim, if Dawn is either studying or volunteering, either hangs out with us or goes and does Husband Things. We switch off weeks that the kids get to choose the menu for the evening and the movie. Last night was Lucky�s turn. We had pigs in a blanket (hot dogs wrapped in crescent rolls. Apparently this term can mean different things) and Tater Tots. I do not eat hot dogs so I ate Tater Tots. The movie: X Men 2. All I can say is you should watch X Men 1 first (I didn�t) and pay attention throughout the entire movie. I didn�t do that either so I have no idea what the movie was about. The only thing I can tell you definitively is that Halle Berry is hot in her outfit and Anna Pacquin did not grow up looking like I thought she would. Anyway, back to the food. Believe it or not, this menu is an improvement over previous menus. I�ve been doing this once a week thing since Lucky was about 2 months old, so 6 years. As soon as they were old enough to have food preferences they wanted 1) macaroni & cheese with a side of cottage cheese 2) Ramen noodle soup 3) chicken noodle soup or 4) �soup� which inexplicably means Spaghetti-Os. They would allow themselves to be taken to McDonald�s. Why it took me 6 years to insist that we expand their horizons, I don�t know. We had Tater Tot casserole once, which, if you�ve never had it, is a delight of white trash cooking. Not one bit of nutritive value but quite tasty.

Tonight, however, is a blissful night. I get to go home directly after work and I have nothing to do other than cook dinner for my honey and hang out. I might read a book. Sigh. A perfect evening really. I might even fold the laundry I removed from the dryer last night and tossed on the desk. I might even put it all away.

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