A Life in Progress





Friday Fives Dec 2001 and Frankfort
2003-07-21, 10:44 a.m.

It's raining and dreary here in Southwest Michigan today. Which does nothing to motivate me to actually get something done. I have no motivation in the day time, but around 6 pm, I get all revved up and could get tons done! I wonder what's up with that?

We went to Frankfort to spend the day on Saturday. I got up on Sat am and took Tasha (the dog) to the babysitters (my sister.) Then we drove to Carol's in Big Rapids, picked her up and drove on up to Frankfort. We got to the beach at about noon and stayed until 9 pm. This beach is the most beautiful beach I have ever seen any where. Well, except the Caribbean. That's pretty hard to top. Frankfort is even better than the Atlantic Ocean in Cape Cod. For real. The water is clear enough you can see the bottom of the lake even fairly far out. There aren't a ton of people and there are wild looking cliffs just up the beach. It's amazing. The town is gorgeous, if you like small towns, which I do. At least in theory.

Back to the Friday Fives archives. Today's questions are from December 2001.

If you were to go to a movie this weekend, which one would you pick?

I think I'd like to see Legally Blonde 2. I don't know what else is out there, though.

What movie would you like to rent this weekend?

I have a list 60 movies long on Netflix. Right now, we've got episodes of Six Feet Under to watch.

What one TV show do you always try to watch?

Right now, none. We used to watch both American Idol and Queer As Folk religiously. I keep forgetting about Sex and the City on Sunday night.

If you (and your S.O.) were cool with it, what five celebrities (at the most) would it be 'ok' for you to have a fling with?

Hm. 5? Well, I'd be okay with me having a fling, but P? Nope, forget it! :) That said, I think I'd choose ... you know there aren't that many famous people I'm really all that interested in "that way." See, I have this thing for kinda masculine women ... and they don't usually make it on TV. Plus, women who are taller than me. And there don't seem to be that many of those either. There's Cynthia Cooper, of WNBA fame. Dang. That ass. :sweating: Then, there's ... I can't remember her name. An WNBA coach. Dog. What's her name? Anyway. Maybe, since it's just a fling, Salma Hayek. I mean, dang, she's just hot. Aren't I pitiful? I can't think of anyone else. Do cartoon characters count? :)

What did you want to be when you grew up?

A teacher.

Do you have any nicknames?

God help me, my family still calls me Barbie. Amd I was somewhat famous for the mix tapes I made my friends (back in the Dark Ages before CDs) so occasionally, someone would call me DJ B or just DJ. One friend thinks it hilarious to call me Babs. My friend Jennifer calls me any number of variations on my name: Barbarella, Barbicita, etc. For the most part, though, people call me my full given name. Heaven help the idiot who calls me Barb.

If you could change something about yourself what would it be?

I wouldn't have ADD. And maybe that I inherited my mother's family body type: petite.

Have you ever bought anything from an infomercial?

Lord, yes. I'm a sucker. I love to watch them just for the entertainment value. I've bought great pots and pans, horrible lipstick, good makeup, exercise DVDs and Lord alone knows what else.

What is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

I suspect it was the possum burger I had a taste of when I was about 8. A taste, mind you. It was so repulsive I only had the one bite.

Name one (material) thing you can't live without.


Name something you've always wanted to do but didn't have time for.

Live in a Spanish speaking country for at least a year learning to cook their native foods.

What outrageous thing do you wish you had the nerve to do?

See above.

What was your biggest accomplishment this year?

KNC was awarded the Kresge grant that I wrote the proposal for.

What was your biggest disappointment?

That I haven't found a job yet.

Will you be making any New Year's resolutions?

Obviously from December, this question. I don't make New Year's Resolutions.

Where do you wish you were celebrating?

I really prefer to stay home on NYE.

That's all the scintillating questions for December and all I have to say for now.

Ta ta.

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