A Life in Progress





Survey Says ....
2004-01-21, 10:09 a.m.

Swiped from DivaMel who got it from TranceJen who got it from Robyn. And katslater did it too. And since, really, nothing of interest has happened to me in the last 24 hours, here we go:

What is the middle name of the first person you ever slept with? LyDell. What�s worse is his last name: Dickey. Middle name of the first girl: Gail.

What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color? They�re kinda beige-ish and boring, I think. You know that color that clothing companies call �flesh� but no one I know has skin that color. I think these are more brief-y. Now, why couldn�t I have done this survey when I was wearing cool underwear? I have more underwear than anyone I know, for Petra�s sake and here I am wearing �granny draws�

What is the song you want played at your funeral? I don�t want a funeral at all, actually. I�d like to be cremated and for PJH to do whatever will give her closure. But if I had to choose � probably a New Thought song like �I Release and I Let Go� (because I love it so much.) Really, funerals aren�t for the dead, they�re for those who are still alive and should be all about what *they* need, not the dead person. In my opinion.

What would your last meal be before getting executed? Great Christ, why would I be getting executed? Okay, but if I *was* going to be executed, I think I�d want � knowing me, I�d be too nervous to eat. I�d be obsessing about things related to the actual death.

Beatles or Stones? The Jacksons. And, though it�s a closely guarded secret, Elvis. Hey, that�s my mom�s fault. She played him relentlessly.

If you had to pick one person on earth who should die, who would it be? I can�t think of anyone � well, one person who is really, really sick and in a lot of pain and who I think wants to die, but I won�t say by name.

The person whose problems you would never want to hear again? Like I can say that here. Right. Let�s just say that it�s someone who has the same problem over and over again and refuses to do the things that would solve the problem. I�m not the only one who has told her that she�s doing exactly the wrong things: all her friends, family and her freaking therapist have told her the same thing.

What is the thing most important to you (as far as physical) about the preferred sex? The one thing that I have never had in a partner � that they be taller than me. I hugged a friend once while I was wearing high heels and had to stand on tiptoe to reach her � it was lovely. Other than that, I�m not consistent in what I like about women � it depends on the particular woman.

If you could have any super power what would it be? How to choose? I�d either want to time travel, read minds or be invisible. Could I have all 3?

Favorite hangover cure? :smugly: Not getting drunk in the first place.

How many drinks does it take to get you drunk? These days? Half a glass of champagne and I�m tipsy.

Favorite Outkast lyric? I'm sorry Ms. Jackson, I am for real - Never meant to make your daughter cry, I apologize a million times. I love that stupid song.

Hair color you most like someone you're dating to have? I tend to prefer dark hair and eyes. Though I once saw a totally hot woman who had black hair and violet colored eyes and cocoa colored skin. Very memorable. And this was back in the day, before they had colored contact lenses.

If you had to be blind or deaf? Definitely blind. I can�t imagine not being able to hear. The only thing I�d really miss about not having sight is driving. I can get books on tape and learn to live without my myriad magazines.

Do you have any psychiatric problems? �Minimal brain dysfunction.� Also known as ADD which I had to go to a psychiatrist to get diagnosed. The attendant anxiety. I�m well drugged these days with Strattera and Wellbutrin.

Least favorite month? I think March because it tricks us. We think it should be spring so the winter weather seems even worse to me than it does in January or February.

First movie you can remember seeing as a kid? The Count of Monte Cristo on TV. I had nightmares. At the theater, the first one I can remember is �In Search of Noah�s Ark.� My mother�s idea, people, not mine.

Favorite person in the whole world? Besides the obvious (PJH even though we�re having �issues� right now), my nephew, Lachlan aka Lucky. Also my niece Macy and my sister.

When's the last time you went on a date? Sometime before November 15, 1999 which is when I moved in with PJH. Of course, we *do* stuff, but I don�t think of them as �dates� since that�s what you do when you�re *single.*

Do you like violent movies or dirty movies? How about a combination of the two? I hate movies where there is a lot of violence. By dirty, do you mean porn? They�re okay but they are mostly really stupid. If you just mean garden-variety R rated smut, sure, I like �em.

Fall or spring? Fall. Definitely fall.

Person you most wish you hadn't made out with? Shamefully, I can�t even remember her name. She was *so* not right for me but she really liked me and I�d just been dumped so it was good for my very bruised ego and seriously broken heart. Damn. What *was* her name? Margo, maybe?

If you are straight, what person of the same sex would you do it with? Alas, I am not straight. But if I had to choose a straight girl (and I tend to date the butchier sorta female) I�d choose Angelina Jolie because, well, have you *seen* her? Dawg. Hm.

Where do you want to live when you are old and brittle? Somewhere warm. Preferably in an �old dyke�s home� with lots of gossipy, blue haired old femmes and bald-headed old butches. And none of the �androgynous� �I don�t do butch-femme� lesbians. Bleh.

Who is the person you can count on most? Depends on for what. For many things, PJH. For total complete on-my-side-no-matter-what-even-if-I�m-wrong, my sister. For devotedness, my nephew. To piss me off regularly, our illustrious President. To make me think DivaMel. To crack me up, my friend Jennifer. To listen to my relationship woes, my friend Elizabeth.

If you could date any celebrity past or present, time and age are not factors. Well, let�s see. I think I�d want to have dated � Maybe Tracy Chapman or Queen Latifah back before she tried to femme up so that people wouldn�t �think� she�s queer.

What books have you pretended you've read? None. I either read �em or I don�t. One of the good things about having been The Smart Girl my whole life is that I never worry about what other people think of me and my intellectual abilities. I think Shakespeare is pretentious and boring so I say so. I find most of the so-called classics dated and boring. There are plenty that I�d like to read and haven�t but none that I pretend to have read when I didn�t. Besides, it would be just my luck to be talking to someone who *had* read the book and loved it and would want to *talk* about it.

What's a word you would use to describe your life? Busy.

What did you dream last night? Shoot. I barely slept last night let alone dreamed. If I did, I don�t remember it at all.

Favorite bands? I�m going to assume I can include individual performers here, so they would be � Jenna Mammina , Erykah Badu, Lauryn Hill, The Jacksons circa 1979, �N Sync (I know, I know), Jill Scott, Faith Evans, Parliament, The Temptations, Marvin Gaye, Sugar Hill Gang (I play that CD all the time and it drives people *nuts* � �Hotel, motel, holiday inn��) and the Commodores. In a certain mood, I like the Beatles and the Beach Boys and an odd Rolling Stones song or 2 (Jumpin� Jack Flash and Brown Sugar).

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